If your class schedule is not appearing on the app or recent changes in Mindbody are not reflected, follow these steps:
- Manually Refresh the Schedule:
- In the top-right corner of your AXLE CRM portal, click the gear icon.
- Locate the ‘Schedule’ section and click the Reset button next to it.
- Check Automatic Sync:
- The AXLE system regularly syncs with Mindbody multiple times per hour. However, manual resets can ensure immediate updates.
- Verify Mindbody Setup:
- Ensure that the classes are correctly set up in Mindbody with the appropriate details (time, instructor, location, etc.).
- Save Changes in Mindbody:
- If edits were made in Mindbody, confirm that they were saved properly before syncing.
By resetting the schedule in your AXLE CRM portal, you can force an immediate update to ensure your schedule appears on the app. If the issue persists, double-check the class setup in Mindbody or contact AXLE support for assistance.