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  3. How do I change the background color of an email?

How do I change the background color of an email?

To change the background color of an email in AXLE, including mass campaign emails and automations, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Email Content: Open the email you want to edit in AXLE, whether it’s a mass campaign email or an automation.
  2. Select the Background Area: Click within the space of the email’s background where you want to change the color. Ensure that you are not selecting any specific text or elements but the overall background.
  3. Access Background Color Options: After selecting the background area, a content toolbar for the row and column should appear. Look for the option labeled “Background Color” under “Column Properties.”
  4. Modify the Color: Click on the “Background Color” option to open a color palette or input field where you can select or enter the desired background color.
  5. Choose a Color: Use the color palette to pick a color, or enter the hexadecimal color code, RGB values, or choose from available color options.
  6. Save Your Changes: After selecting or entering the new background color, make sure to save your changes to apply the color to the email’s background.

By following these steps, you can easily change the background color of an email in AXLE, allowing you to customize the email’s visual appearance to align with your branding or design preferences.

Updated on January 15, 2024

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