To reset a user’s password in the AXLE CRM, follow these steps:
- Access the CRM Section: Start by going to the left-hand side of your AXLE portal. In the black toolbar, scroll all the way down until you find the ‘Users’ option.
- View Users: Under the ‘Users’ section, click on ‘View Users.’ This will allow you to access the list of users within the CRM.
- Select the Staff Member: From the list of users, select the staff member for whom you want to reset the password. Click on their name or profile to proceed.
- Reset Password Options: Within the staff member’s profile, you will find checkboxes for ‘Force Reset on Next Login’ and ‘Send User Email with Password.’ Check both of these boxes.
- Save Changes: After checking the boxes, make sure to click the ‘Save’ button to confirm your changes.
- Password Reset Email: By enabling the ‘Send User Email with Password’ option, the system will automatically trigger an email to the user’s inbox with their login credentials and instructions to reset their password.
This process ensures that the user will receive the necessary information to reset their password and regain access to their AXLE CRM account. It’s a convenient and secure way to assist users in case they forget their passwords or need to reset them for any reason.