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  3. How do I send out a mass email, text, or push notification?

How do I send out a mass email, text, or push notification?

To send out a mass email, text, or push notification using AXLE, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Campaigns Section: Start by going to the left-hand side of your AXLE portal. In the black toolbar, scroll all the way down until you find the ‘Campaigns’ option.
  2. Create a New Campaign: Under ‘Campaigns,’ click on ‘Mass Campaigns.’ Next, click on ‘New Campaign’ to initiate the process of creating a new campaign.
  3. Campaign Setup: In the pop-up window that appears, you can select your location if applicable and give your campaign a name. Click ‘Continue’ to proceed to the next step.
  4. Select Campaign Type: On the next screen, you’ll need to specify the type of campaign you want to send. You have three options:
    1. Email: Select this option if you want to send a mass email campaign.
    2. Text: Choose this option to send a mass text campaign. Please note that sending mass text campaigns may incur fees, and you’ll need to have a credit card on your account.
    3. Push Notification: Use this option for sending push notifications. This option only applies to companies using our premium branded app.  There is no charge for push notifications.
  5. Build Your Campaign: Depending on your selected campaign type, you can continue to build out your message as you would with any other mass campaign builder. Customize the content, recipients, and other settings to suit your communication needs.

By following these steps, you can send out mass emails, texts, or push notifications to your intended recipients using AXLE’s campaign management feature. Be aware of any associated fees for mass text campaigns and ensure that your message is crafted effectively for your audience.

Updated on January 15, 2024

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